What are toilets made of?Does this question ever come to your mind. Most of the time, we use toilets without giving it a second thought. We use them on a daily basis without ever thinking about them. Sometimes, we even feel lazy to give them long needed cleaning.
However, it’s not a bad thing to wonder how toilets work. Also what are they made of? Especially if you are a plumber. It’s something you should know the best.
Toilets consist of many parts, yet are simple and the most efficient way to dispose of human waste. Materials have definitely changed through the history. But parts have stayed almost as important as they were before.
If you have ever wondered form what materials were toilets made, there’s nothing wrong with it.
Parts of Toilets
Toilets might seem complicated. However, they are some basic parts. These make the whole system work together.
The main parts of every toilet are:
- Bowl
- Water tank
- Flush mechanism
Of course, there are also other parts such as valves, water source, and others. However, these three make toilet complete. They’re the most basic and important parts of every toilet.
While some toilets might differ from home to home, or even from other countries. It’s still running on the same principle. The main goal of the toilet is always the same and it will never be changed.
Toilet can’t function without even a single part missing. The debate in question what is the most important part of the toilet can never be solved.
If you had a toilet without the water tank and its flush mechanism. You could still pour the gallons of water manually and use the bowl as dispose of human waste.
Parts of toilet haven’t changed dramatically even from the earlier stages. We have upgraded toilet and set it to be more automated, however, we use it the same way our ancient ancestry have used it.
Don’t think that toilet is complicated. They’re equipped with basic parts that make the system automated.
Materials Used to Make Toilets
If you have been wondering what materials are used to make toilets, the answer might be long.
Each part of the toilet almost always comes from different material. Materials play a huge role when it comes to the toilets.
Flush Mechanism
The flush mechanism located inside the toilet water tank is always inside the water. Therefore, the materials used to make the inner mechanism of toilet water tank are supposed to be durable, and reliable. Even when they’re in the water. Also, they need to be light to make the movement in the water easier.
If not, the mechanism might not function properly. Or it just wouldn’t last long enough.
Toilet Bowl
While many people think that the toilet bowl is created from ceramic – that’s not true. The toilet bowl is made from a more complex material. It is from special clay called vitreous china. The shiny glaze that is applied as finish might make people think that it’s a normal ceramic.
Water Tank
The water tank is created of hard plastic or PVC. Inner mechanism parts are made of a lightweight hard plastic that is waterproof.
Toilet Seat
The only part of the toilet that is made from different materials is the toilet seat. It’s replaceable. There are many different materials used. For example; wood, plastic, and many others.
Facts You Didn’t Know About Toilets
To many people, the toilet is just a toilet. Something they use whenever they need to and don’t think about it ever again.
Toilet paper is also something we never paid a second thought to either. By rumors, toilet paper did come from China. The thing is that a single sheet was 2 feet by 3 feet. We still don’t know why, and which material is used. However, it’s something that we managed to deal with.
Toilets can also be dangerous. Approximately 40,000 of people in the United States somehow hurt themselves in the toilet. The more shocking fact is that King George II died after falling off one toilet back in 1760. You should be careful.
If you have a baby, or you are planning to make one, check this out. You will approximately change your baby’s diaper around 10,000 times before your child gets used to the toilet.
In South Korea, there is a park and museum which is dedicated to the toilets. Ever wondered what are the top 10 toilets in the world? I didn’t either.
Differences Between Toilets and Materials
All the way from ancient age and our ancient ancestry, things have definitely changed. However, no major changes were made.
First toilets didn’t have flushing system, yet had only a toilet bowl for use. We can say that we have automated the system.
However, toilets can differ from country to country. They especially differ from continent to continent. In some countries such as France, you can see popular bidets. They have been created as an addition to the toilets. Also that automates the process of our toilet usage even more.
While, on the other than, in some countries such as Japan, you will find high-end technology toilets. Their toilets can cost up to $10,000! They come with bidet included in the toilet. Also, they have remote controllers which let you choose the water pressure or flushing sound.
Therefore, we can witness different materials used to make the toilets. Toilets always work on the same principle, and they always will. History provides us with the statistics that prove that theory.
Toilets can vary in the materials, parts, and many other ways. However, they always work on the same principle that ages a long time ago.
It’s not a bad thing to pay attention to the toilets. Also, being for everything we have developed to accommodate our needs.
Hopefully, in this post, you have learned the basic parts of every toilet. You have also learned how they work, what are they made of. There were also even some interesting facts.
Also, learning how to fix the toilets is also interesting, and can come in handy at most times.
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